You were born for this time. That’s right. You and I, the every day Joe and Jane, living today, are the chosen ones. The question is what are we choosing?
Born into ordinary life during an extraordinary time, is history in the making. Since childhood, we are guided to fit in, to belong. Belonging to the conversation “you were born for this time” opens a dialogue to reclaim your child like innocence, imagination and interest in being alive.
We have the opportunity to put to rest the dominance of “doomsday” dinner talk, bonding humans through despair, to ignite a community of innovators.
Through the innovation of our being we each become key in the production of new technology, social infrastructures, food distribution, healthcare offerings, and educational programs for our self and community.
What if the change we seek as a society is an inner change in the way we relate to what we think success is? Success doesn’t exist in and of itself. Success occurs when you understand yourself well enough to successfully identify and act upon the goals of your Authentic Self.
Living powerfully and purposefully is the new success. It is time to place less emphasis on the bottom line more emphasis on getting to the bottom of your true purpose in the here and now. What is true to success to you?
The Authentic Self can easily be identified through the feeling body. When you feel feelings of groundedness, freedom, honesty, self-expression, uniqueness, peacefulness, creativity and gratitude it is likely you are in your authentic self. If you feel feelings of despair, isolation, loneliness, hopelessness, boredom, anguish, loss of self-expression or sense of self it is likely you are operating from your conditioned self.
The journey to authentic living requires self-reflection to determine what truly is important to you as a unique human being. It is through our individual diversity we can tease forth a collective genius creating a conscious collective of happy humans.
Take notice, is your daily lifestyle is one where you feel suppressed, oppressed or depressed? Look at these feelings as helpful signposts of where you need to make changes in your life. If going to work depresses you, then it is a clear signal that change is needed.
Start a conversation with yourself to examine your life and commitment to being authentic. Here are just a few ideas to open the door to your conversation. “Am I being authentic in every area of my life? Do I speak the truth to those around me? Do I know how I am feeling at all times or am I numb and shut down? What brings me happiness? How do I like to contribute to myself and others? Do I have community that supports me? Am I supportive in the community?”
The greatest conscious awareness is achieved first by individuals. It will take the majority of people time to catch up. You were born for this time. Be authentically awesome!