Step one in learning to follow your intuition means first learning how intuition operates . Here you will discover 10 simple tips about how intuition works.
1. Intellect will invalidate intuition because it does not understand it. Intuition is not to be understood. It is to be experienced. Remember the intellect sabotages intuition. It will override, discount, contradict and ignore intuition.
2. Learning to understand how intuition communicates is like learning a foreign language. It takes practice!
3. Trusting your intuition is a lifelong art that begins with little steps. Intuition is always speaking. It’s a matter of if we are listening to it or not. Learn to stop. Listen. Pay attention and encourage your intuition.
4. Following intuition is a practice that requires and leads you to gain comfort with insecurity and unknowing. It can be fun and surprising.
5. Intuition is something we already possess. It is something we are simply reclaiming.
6. To build intuition you must practice with small choices. What will I wear today? What will I eat for lunch? What route will I take to drive home from work today? Receive the message. Follow your guidance. Take action.
7. Journal daily in your intuition notebook to record when you feel in the flow, a feeling associated with following your higher guidance, and when you feel low energy, blocked, unhappy, feelings associated with following shoulds, habits and cultural expectation.
8. Intuition will require you travel an unfamiliar path, one that the personality often resists. Things may not make sense to the logical mind. In fact the logical mind may scream and shout.
9. Following intuition requires you to follow what “feels” right even though it may make no logical sense. Not subject to reason or ordinary explanations. Following intuition requires you to be ‘unreasonable”
10. Learning to discern between imagination, intellect, inner voices (inner child, inner critic) emotional body, habits/patterns, fear is a healthy and natural part of discerning the voice of intuition.