How well do you know your heart? Establishing a healthy heart relationship is a worthy goal. More than just a silent pump, thumping thoughtlessly in your chest, the heart is a proven center of intelligence. Housing its own sensory neurons, which have the capacity for memory, sensing and feeling, the heart tirelessly works for you, without skipping a beat, from the day you’re born until the day you die.
Surprisingly, this humble heart soldier marches to it’s own drum. Unlike the brain, which is made happy by getting “its” way, being in control, and living efficiently, the heart derives happiness from things such as collaboration, compassion, and cooperation. The heart often has its own opinion, much to the dismay of the brain, and aims to be heard.
Unfortunately living in a world of “brainiacs,” most of us miss our heart’s wisdom and instead find ourselves swimming in a sea of stress, gasping for breath, amongst waves of overwhelm and confusion. More familiar with Hollywood names than our own heart callings, it is not a wonder heart disease is America’s most wanted killer. Why so many unhappy hearts?
Is there a solution to champion the brain and honor the heart? I believe so. It takes time, dedication, and practice to restore the power of the heart; and it can be done. Let’s get started.
Dr. Paul Pearsall, a pioneer in neuro-cardiology and heart advocate, designed a simple 25 question quiz to help you discover if you are in your head or your heart. Take the quiz, below, and see how you score.
Get a blank piece of paper, number 1-25 on the paper and write down your answer for each question then manually add up your points to receive score total. Follow the links below the quiz to discover what your test score means.
From THE HEART’S CODE by Paul Pearsall, copyright 1998 by Paul Pearsall. Used by permission of Broadway Books, a division of Random House, Inc. For information about other Random House, Inc. books and authors, see the Internet Web Site at
Taking the H*E*A*R*T* Quiz
Dr Pearsall states: “In my clinical work, I have used the following Heart Energy Amplitude Recognition Test (H*E*A*R*T*) with over one thousand patients in the United States, England, Germany, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Italy the former Soviet Union, and a “control” group of indigenous people from my native Hawaii who have their own version of “Qui” called “mana,” and their version of the quantum wave/particle duality in the heart, which they call a lump of energized water or “pu’uwai.” I used the test more as a teaching tool than a research instrument in an attempt to show my patients how they could be more aware of the quality of the energy they are sending out to their world and the help them recognize by which code they are primarily living their life—the brain’s or the heart’s. It is a crude, brain designed instrument, but it is one way to begin to attend to more than just the heart’s neuromuscular power.”
____ 1. Are you in a hurry? (Have you looked ahead on this test?)
____ 2. Are you so busy others are afraid to “bother you”?
____ 3. Would others say that you walk, drive or move quickly?
____ 4. Do you like to “save time” by doing many things at once and/or thinking one thing while doing something else?
____ 5. Does it seem that you always get in the slow line?
____ 6. Do “unqualified express lane participants” frustrate you?
____ 7. Do you eat quickly?
____ 8. Do you push elevator buttons that are already lit?
____ 9. Do you talk fast, as shown by gasping, spraying droplets of saliva or getting tongue tied?
____ 10. Do you try to hurry other’s speaking, using “uh huh, uh huh, ya, ya, ya,” or tuneless humming?
____ 11. Are you a “disgust flasher” ? (click tongue, tilt head, raise left side of mouth, sigh, hand on hip, roll eyes)
____ 12. Do you lose your temper while driving?
____13. Are you cynical and distrusting of others’ motive?
____14. Do you have “sleep stress”? (sleep onset insomnia, snoring, grinding of teeth , tossing and turning)
____15. Do you replay angry events, rehearse sarcastic comebacks, tell “work war stories”, spread rumors and/or threaten to quit your job or relationship?
____16. Do ou have family or marital conflicts and/or neglect your family?
____17. Do you feel “let down” after attaining a goal or high success?
____ 18. Do you feel that you did not or do not get enough unconditional love from one or both parents?
____19. Do you have a harsh, critical, sarcastic voice quality or laughter and/or use profanity?
____20. Do you clench your fist, shrug your shoulders, or make chopping motions with your hand while speaking?
____21. Do you avoid public crying and/or is your laughter loud, explosive, quasi-humorous, and social more than sincere?
____ 22. Do you react emotionally, defensively, and negatively to criticism?
____ 23. Do you feel sleepy and/or fall asleep when sitting quietly for a period of time or become “business meeting mesmerized” at “bored” meetings?
____24. Do you answer questions before they’re completely asked?
____25. Would it be tense or stressful living and/or working with you?
_______ TOTAL POINTS (add a five point penalty for trying to get a low score)
The Heart Energy Amplitude Recognition Test
by Dr. Paul Pearsall- President & CEO- Ho’ala (To Reawaken), Inc.
Learn more about what your score means. Click the link below which matches your score range.
0-5= BALANCED ENERGY (Your heart energy is in healthy balance)
6-10=OVERLY AGITATED ENERGY (You’re bothering your body and other people’s bodies and heart)
11-20=VERY AGITATED ENERGY (You are becoming a “real pain” to your body and other people’s bodies and hearts)
21 and ABOVE=TOXIC ENERGY (You have become a real pain to our body and other people’s bodies and hearts)