Flexibility is like the fountain of youth. It is crucial to your fitness and health foundation. Without flexibility all your motions become limited, stress accumulates, and tension builds. Take a minute to be mindful of your flexibility. Here is a simple to stretch you can implement morning, midday, and evening. Whether you are just waking up, working through a busy day or ending your evening this hamstring stretch can help you to relieve low back tension and stress.
Standing Hamstring Stretch
Instructions: To start, choose a wall, back of a chair, or railing to support your forward fold. Next, step your feet hip distance apart. Keeping your back straight fold forward at the hips. Place your hands shoulder distance apart on the wall in front of you. Keep your hands at the same height as your shoulders. Press your palms into the wall. Keep the legs strong by contracting front upper thigh muscles lifting the kneecap up towards the hips. If this is stressful on your back bend your knees slightly until you feel relief.