Happy September! Last week my internet connection was down, my apologies for missing our weekly Live Inspired blogposts. With my internet connection absent I was inspired to unplug. Unplugging is the time we take when we step away from technology to be totally present in our environment without interruption.
While technology is a crucial tool for human beings to connect to the outside world, build businesses and stay informed our pace has reached such a point that over-connectivity can be a very real problem for all of us. Incessant phone calls; endless Internet overload and constant noise–all of these things have brought a lot of chatter to our lives.
It is essential from time to time to slow down, unplug and heal our minds so we can hear our own inner voice and listen to our spirit. For this reason, I have been looking at different areas of life where I can slow down and unplug. I will be taking a fall sabbatical from writing LI weekly tips. Please enjoy blog archives to stay inspired with your health and happiness.
Take a moment to look at your own life and ask “what would be the benefit for unplugging?” Where can you unplug, in small and big ways, to get reconnected to your spirit? Can you turn off your phone for a few hours on the weekend? Take a day off from being on the computer? Take some action to do so. The benefits can be profound. Unplug!